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doodled Meaning in Bengali


হিজিবিজি কাটা,

doodled's Usage Examples:

many other names, is a graffiti sign in popular culture that is typically doodled on children's notebooks or graffitied on walls.

Engraving and Printing, feeling utterly lost, neatly laid out their tools and doodled away at a John F Kennedy commemorative stamp.

Victoria's Secret angel/Hades side-chick/goth middle schooler's notebook-doodled fantasy.

happily around the casino in alcoholic equality: Ross with cat whiskers doodled on his face by Rachel.

anime, manga, and films that have a theme on yōkai, and are also generally doodled by children.

George change for "10, when he believes he gave her a "20 bill that he had doodled on.

have included: Samuel Beckett; the poet and physician John Keats, who doodled in the margins of his medical notes; Sylvia Plath; and the Nobel laureate.

Rose first doodled the character in 1985 on a napkin in a restaurant.

or clicked to open up an editor where the screenshot can be cropped or doodled on before being saved or shared.

The car's design theme was "allegedly doodled by Egbert on the proverbial back of an envelope during an airplane flight.

surprised to see it is covered in swirling lines exactly like the ones she doodled in her school book.

First, he doodled in the front.

His letters bore addresses appearing as doodled signposts in snowstorms or as huge envelopes shouldered by tiny people.

Legend has it that he doodled an image of a star-crested mountain on a napkin, clouds, and 27 stars.

His private, experimental, compositions, "doodled" pieces consisting of finely inked lines on a conventional stave, took.

Huffman imagined the "breadpig" as a "pig with bread wings", and Ohanian doodled the first version.

Eddings' call to the world of fantasy came from a doodled map he drew one morning before work.

include The Master, her mother Joyce Summers, Angel, Faith, Caleb, Buffy's doodled notebook ("The Prom,") Joyce's corpse ("The Body,") and Buffy, Willow,.


scribble; drawing; scrabble;


curve; straight line; natural object; inactivity;

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