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dossals Meaning in Bengali

সমৃদ্ধ ফ্যাব্রিক একজন শোভাময় ঝুলন্ত একটি গির্জার বেদি পিছনে বা বেদি এর পক্ষই এ হ্যাঙ



dossals's Usage Examples:

[citation needed] Cloth dossals rarely achieve much individual notability, but the "Lanercost Dossal" at.

Most of these are dossals, either of the Madonna and Child, some with smaller scenes to the sides.

The earliest forms of panel painting were dossals (altar backs), altar fronts and crucifixes.

The higher section is ornamented with a series of statues with small dossals.

Also on display are: two rare Sicilian silk dossals from the beginning of the 13th century, works of Venetian glass (a crystal.

disappeared (Romanesque sculptures from the disappeared church of San Frontone, dossals, decorations of private buildings, Merovingian and Carolingian sarcophagi.

dossals's Meaning':

an ornamental hanging of rich fabric hung behind the altar of a church or at the sides of a chancel

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