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dotage Meaning in Bengali

 অত্যাধিক অনুরাগ


ক্ষীণমতি, ভীমরতি,

dotage শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সর্বাংশে ধ্বংস করা ভিটেয় ঘুঘু চড়ানো সর্বস্বান্ত করা ভীতুর ডিম অত্যধিক ভীতু ভীমরতি বার্ধক্যজনিত বুদ্ধিভ্রংশতা ভীমরুলের চাকে কাঠি/খোঁচা/ঘা/ঢিল উত্তেজিত করা ।

ডিমেনশিয়া প্রতিশব্দ ভীমরতি, বার্ধক্যজনিত স্মৃতিভ্রংশ ১৮০০র দশকে ডিমেনশিয়াতে আক্রান্ত একজনের চিত্র বিশেষত্ব স্নায়ুবিদ্যা, মনোরোগ বিজ্ঞান লক্ষণ চিন্তাভাবনা ।

আত্মজীবনীর নানাদিক নিয়ে লিখেছেন তিনবার তিনটি আলাদা গ্রন্থে: রোমন্থন অথবা ভীমরতি প্রাপ্তর পরচরিতের চর্চা (১৯৯৩) বাঙ্গালনামা (২০০৭) দ্য ওয়ার্ল্ড ইন আওয়ার ।

dotage's Usage Examples:

rickety state railway line engines performing shunting duties in their dotage at large stations.

an article on "dotage", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "dotage" You can also: Search for Dotage in Wikipedia to.

However, their fans will notice that creative dotage and standard rust hasn't eroded the Orchids' ability to craft toothsome.

Kuhn derived much of her character from his own mother, who, in her dotage by most standards, was always ready to dress up, sing, and even dance a.

information from two elders of the tribe whom she described as being in their 'dotage', a remnant of the tribe whose traditional social organization had already.

pottage, With a thing thus tall, sky bless you all, I befell into this dotage.

Yet still in rhyme the fiend Apollo spoke: Nay with the worst of heathen dotage we (Vain men!) the monster Woman deify; Find stars, and tie our fates there.

] in his dotage is apparently now ready to gossip upon intimate family matters with any.

Famously, many of Frinton's residents are in their dotage (a phrase which gets short shrift locally is "Harwich for the Continent.

At this time, Sultan bin Saqr was in his dotage and had lost both the use of his hearing and memory and took little or no.

fortunes only to be treated with contempt by the rest of the family in his dotage (his small acts of revenge make some of the most comic moments of the book).

While entering what one former member refers to as the group's "dotage," STO began to emphasize the need to intervene in various social movements.

reference to the container can be seen in the following passage: Nay, but this dotage of our general's O'erflows the measure .

Nor is Robinson's Merlin like Tennyson's — a magician in his dotage falling a victim to the wiles of a false woman.

magnificent comeback and a powerful reminder that, even in his showbiz dotage, Gary Glitter remained one of Britain's greatest-ever entertainers.

period of Courtenay's activity coincides with the years of Edward III's dotage, and with practically the whole of Richard II's reign.

excesses of "dotage".

Genuine love is contrasted with the unrequited love (and dotage) of Demetrius for Hermia, and with the supposed love (and dotage) of Titania.


age; old age; years; senility; eld; second childhood; geezerhood;


young; oldness; youngness; minority; majority;

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