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dotted line Meaning in Bengali


পাগলামির সীমা,

dotted line's Usage Examples:

represent stable values with a solid line and unstable values with a dotted line, although often the unstable points are omitted.

below, the line representing a ray makes an angle θ with the normal (dotted line).

squiqqly dotted line, as opposed to a long rigid dotted line marking his granddad's, who stayed on the path.

Other strips would show the dotted line with.

glide plan is parallel to the plane of the screen or a dashed and double-dotted line when the glide plane is perpendicular to the plane of the screen.

than one supervisor or leader, relationships described as solid line or dotted line reporting.

"Line of Control" (LoC) in black dotted line in the north and west, Indo-Sino "Line of Actual" (LAC) in black dotted line in the east, Indo-Pak line across.

interaction, the dotted line would correspond to the exchange of a virtual photon.

In the case of interacting nucleons, the dotted line would be a virtual.

list as soon as I was appointed and was delighted when he signed on the dotted line.

actually a single body of water with a sprinkling of islands forming a "dotted line" between the eastern and western parts.

Bradford boss Terry Yorath also wanted him to sign on the dotted line, but the then Albion Rovers owner negotiated a deal with Middlesbrough.


chorus; lineup; diagonal; row; rank; formation; chorus line; rivet line; linemen;


divest; fire; unemployment; clean; idle;

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