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dowitchers Meaning in Bengali

কপিণ্জল পরিবারের একটি পাখিবিশেষ বর্ণনার অনুরূপ এর shorebird

dowitchers's Usage Examples:

Short-billed dowitchers in winter plumage, especially in areas where both species overlap in which case most birds are identified as "Dowitchers".

Distinguishing wintering or juvenile short-billed dowitchers from the long-billed species is very difficult and, even given examination.

The three dowitchers are medium-sized long-billed wading birds in the genus Limnodromus.

the curlews by their straight or slightly upturned bills, and from the dowitchers by their longer legs.

include, lesser snow geese, greater and lesser yellowlegs, long-billed dowitchers, and western sandpipers.

Rare birds reported in the lake are Asiatic dowitchers (NT), Dalmatian pelican (VU), Pallas's fish-eagles (VU), the very rare.

species for this bird is not, as might be expected, one of the American dowitchers, which in any case do not overlap in range, because the Asian bird is.

sandpipers, white-rumped sandpipers, semipalmated sandpipers, long-billed dowitchers, red-necked phalaropes, and lesser yellowlegs.

birds forage on muddy, picking up food by sight, often jabbing like the dowitchers with which they often associate.

roseate spoonbills, white pelicans, black-bellied plovers, and long-billed dowitchers.

dowitchers's Meaning':

shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe


red-breasted snipe; Limnodromus scolopaceus; Limnodromus griseus; genus Limnodromus; Limnodromus; grayback; greyback; snipe;



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