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downgrades Meaning in Bengali


মর্যাদা হ্রাস করা,

downgrades's Usage Examples:

August 2020 "S'P downgrades Chile to A as Fitch affirms A-".

"S'P downgrades Chile to A as Fitch.

Trail at which point it becomes a freeway until Deerfoot Trail, where it downgrades to an at-grade expressway.

It runs from Highway 55 near Bodmin until it downgrades into a local road bound for Roberts Lake.

JTWC downgrades Bolaven to a tropical depression.

0 – the JMA downgrades Bolaven.

The software has free trial and after that it downgrades to free version, which still can handle huge files and regex.

It runs from Highway 921/Highway 939 westward until it downgrades to a local road.

UTC April 3) – The JTWC downgrades Typhoon 01W (Kong-rey) to a Category 2 typhoon.

(0000 UTC) – The JTWC downgrades Typhoon 01W (Kong-rey) to.

agencies has been to reinforce "pro-cyclical" and "cliff effects" of downgrades.

Canadian border that downgrades to a non-freeway route ending at Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Interstate 29, a spur that also downgrades to a regular highway.

0300 UTC — TCWC Perth downgrades Laurence to a Category 3 cyclone.

2100 UTC — TCWC Perth downgrades Laurence to a Category 2 cyclone.

"S'P downgrades U.

0000 UTC - Météo-France downgrades Severe Tropical Storm Ariel to a moderate tropical storm.

0600 UTC - Météo-France downgrades Moderate Tropical Storm.

in the case of game consoles and other restricted hardware, preventing downgrades by permanently recording a newer version.

Boucherville as a four-lane expressway formerly known as Autoroute 430 and downgrades to a two-lane highway in Varennes.

The government had had to contend with numerous downgrades of its credit rating due to fallout from the global financial crisis.

The downgrades further threaten the bond insurers because they become unable to underwrite new business going forward.

The downgrades may also require.


grade; rank; rate; place; range; order;


war; instability; disarrange; disorder; upgrade;

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