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downplays Meaning in Bengali

কম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হিসেবে প্রতিনিধিত্ব

downplays's Usage Examples:

puffery: an article or story of exaggerating praise that often ignores or downplays opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary.

April 20 - Uganda downplays an agreement in Libya to end the Second Congo War.

Yeni Aktüel ("New News" in Turkish; increasingly downplays the "Yeni" and may be referred to simply as Aktüel) is a Turkish weekly news magazine.

net/News/2010/06/08/Timothy-Hill-downplays-Wikipedia-flap-before-kickoff-of-campaign "Timothy Hill downplays Wikipedia flap before kickoff of campaign".

Neofunctionalism is a theory of regional integration which downplays globalisation and reintroduces territory into its governance.

The term is often seen as a pejorative, for it implicitly downplays a quarterback's talent or skill by implying that a successful offense.

concluded that In the opinion of the committee, the film overlooks or downplays some basic facts regarding the retelling of the story in Bosnia.

The organisation downplays the risk of the effects of global warming, rejects the scientific conclusion.

This adaptation downplays the novel's critique of Hollywood and the film industry.

Hipster sexism relates to postfeminism in that it downplays sexism at large by casually normalizing it on the basis that sexism has.

At the same time, Khoo downplays the film's erotic themes, calling its ode to the national cultural trends.

cannot see that there is any connection between cigarettes and cancer, downplays the effect of nicotine addiction, and he is fully convinced that smoking.

This album downplays the thrash metal-element of the band's sound considerably, favoring instead.

leadership candidate downplays Paradise Papers connection".

"PC leadership candidate downplays Paradise Papers.

In her fourth autobiography, The Heart of a Woman, she downplays her singing career and assigns little importance to Miss Calypso.

majority of the film has also caused controversy, with some saying that it downplays the characters' identities.

textbooks, the New History Textbook, published in 2000, which significantly downplays Japanese aggression, was shunned by nearly all of Japan's school districts.

He downplays the coordinating role of John X in favour of that of Landulf, who is portrayed.

"Trump downplays massive US cyberattack, points to China".

"Trump downplays impact.

downplays's Meaning':

represent as less significant or important


emphasize; play down; punctuate; wave off; accent; stress; accentuate; soft-pedal; background; emphasise;


foreground; play up; take away; maximise; increase;

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