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draw up Meaning in Bengali

 খাড়া করা,

draw up's Usage Examples:

notary (Latin: notarius) is a person appointed by competent authority to draw up official or authentic documents.

Proponents of Prop 65 negotiated with state officials to draw up the provisions of Proposition 1A.

Lilienthal to draw up a plan.

general peace between the French Republic and the Holy Roman Empire, and to draw up a compensation plan to compensate those princes whose lands on the left.

recognized by groups of enthusiasts or breeders' associations, which may also draw up a breed standard.

proposal ideas, scout proposal locations, negotiate rates with vendors, draw up contracts, hire photographers, create romantic setups, acquire permits.

Bowie is sent into Comanche country by the government on a mission to draw up a treaty allowing the government to mine silver on the Indian's turf.

A group of sailors, on turning pirate, would draw up their own code or articles, which provided rules for discipline, division.

Alexander I of Russia summoned the Diet of Porvoo and directed the Diet to draw up regulations for a Government Council.

notarius is a public secretary who is appointed by competent authority to draw up official or authentic documents (compare English "notary").

above the liquid-holding chamber and selectively releasing this vacuum to draw up and dispense liquid.

of the word "drop" in this context is likely derived from the phrase "draw up".

backwardness and issues faced by this northernmost district of Kerala and to draw up special package for the district.

It has the power to draw up, adopt, and amend the constitution and to make and amend laws.

an individual entrepreneur that applied to Rospotrebnadzor in order to draw up a sanitary conclusion or permit for exploitation or in other cases.

Both the Fifth and the Sixth Ecumenical Councils had omitted to draw up disciplinary canons, and as this council was intended to complete both.

If they want milk, they scratch up the ground with their fingers and draw up the milky fluid.

made the ornamental sculptures on the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, to draw up the plans.

Frederick Adam conducted a rear guard action on 12 April, allowing Murray to draw up his army in a formidable defensive position near Castalla.

designated MPO, SCAG is mandated by the federal government to research and draw up plans for transportation, growth management, hazardous waste management.


abduct; drag; plunk; yank; tug; pull in; pull off; haul; displace; tweak; winch; pick off; force; pluck; attract; move; adduct; jerk; cart; stretch; hale; pull back; pull; twitch; draw in; pick;


adduct; abduct; repel; push; pack;

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