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drogues Meaning in Bengali

একটি ফানেল আকৃতির ডিভাইস একটি বিমান দ্বারা একটি টার্গেট হিসাবে towed


হারপুনের দড়ির প্রান্তে বাঁধা বয়া, সমুদ্রে ফেলবার নোঙর,

drogues's Usage Examples:

Both drogues and sea anchors will have "tripping lines" to aid recovery of the drogue.

in the Indian Ocean, in addition to support roles like pulling target drogues for gunnery practice and aerial photography.

In 1694, he published the Histoire générale des drogues (General History of Drugs) with about 400 engraved images.

remote village every day, shooting at wooden targets in the dunes and at drogues towed by aircraft.

Their main purpose was to tow gunnery targets (drogues and banners) for air-to-air gunnery and for the navy and army.

Géopolitique et géostratégie des drogues, with Michel Koutouzis, Economica, coll.

Géopolitique », 1996 Géopolitique des drogues, Presses universitaires.

Histoire générale des drogues … 1694.

Dictionnaire universel des drogues simples … 1699.

Drogue : drogues et toxicomanie - Éditions Universitaires, 1973 Écrits sur la Toxicomanie - Éditions Universitaires, 1973 Il n'y a pas de drogués heureux.

SMITH cruise using drogues in current measurements.

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (French: Loi réglementant certaines drogues et autres substances) (the Act) is Canada's federal drug control statute.


"Para-Tech parachute drogues".

of the drogues triggers the release of the three main parachutes, each 35 m (115 ft) in diameter, at about 3,000 m (9,800 ft).

While the drogues detach.

publications included Pharmacopée universelle (1697), Traité universel des drogues simples (1698), Traité de l'antimoine (1707), together with a number of.

drogues's Meaning':

a funnel-shaped device towed as a target by an airplane


constraint; restraint; ship; sea anchor;


get off; disembark; fire; detach; add;

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