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ducats Meaning in Bengali


পূর্বে বিভিন্ন ইউরোপীয় দেশের একটি স্বর্ণ মুদ্রা



ducats শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিজয়ী ফিল্ম ডুকাট্ পুরস্কার বিজয়ী ক্যাথটিক জুরি পুরস্কার বিজয়ী এভান্গেলিক্যাল জুরি পুরস্কার ।

ducats's Usage Examples:

Many types of ducats had various metallic content and purchasing power throughout the period.

ducats (48 stuivers), and ducatons (60 stuivers).

750 fineness, silver ducats and.

used to describe the golden excelente either because of its value of two ducats or because of the double portrait of Ferdinand and Isabella.

This amount is said to have equalled 700,000 ducats in gold (probably Venetian).

notes that the leader of the Bytidosi will be required to pay an extra 2 ducats on top of the 10 already being given each year.

should be aimed for: 1,000 ducats for Albania, to be paid every August, along with 100 ducats for Lepanto, and the 500 ducats for Patras.

war, Molin sold access to the Venetian patriciate at a cost of 100,000 ducats per person.

Vendramin at the time of his election was worth 160,000 ducats, after allowing for 6 to 7000 ducats with which he had endowed each of six daughters, in order.

Zürich also minted gold half-ducats and ducats.

A ten ducats coin minted in 1724, with a weight of 34.

Skanderbeg won the resulting battle and his men earned 40,000 ducats after captured Ottoman officers were ransomed.

military captain Teodoro Crescia gained a feud for the annual sum of 300 ducats in a depopulated area near Larino.

000 ducats ; but the lawyer says "no:" the Jew has rejected the money, and now he shall have no money at all, not even the loan of 10,000 ducats, but.

nearly 11,000 ducats; in 1758 alone he spent almost 43,000 for dogal endeavours and when he died, his income still exceeded 118,000 ducats.

regime late in the 18th century and in 1811 the painting was bought for 12 ducats by the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, where it still hangs.

1682 to 1720, when king Frederick William I of Prussia sold it for 7200 ducats to the Dutch Republic.

(with annual revenue of 5,000 ducats); Colonna, the abbey of Subiaco and its environs (with annual revenue of 3,000 ducats); Savelli, Civita Castellana.

500,000 ducats 1496 3,300,000 ducats 1520 3,130,000 ducats 1526 4,500,000 ducats 1530 6,000,000 ducats 1553 7,166,000 ducats 1558 7,740,000 ducats 1566 8.

The tornese was a subunit of the Neapolitan, Sicilian, and Two Sicilies ducats.

He broke with tradition by scattering silver coins, rather than gold ducats, to the crowd during his coronation procession.

next morning, each janissary was given standard pay of 40 ducats and an additional 20 ducats as an accession bonus.

ducats's Meaning':

formerly a gold coin of various European countries




reverse; head;

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