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dysenteric Meaning in Bengali


dysenteric's Usage Examples:

The other type is dysenteric gastroenteritis, which causes loose stools filled with blood and mucus.

there is a balance between the protozoan and the host without causing dysenteric symptoms.

plant's bark or fruit has been useful in the treatment of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions, or as a mouthwash to treat toothaches.

Rhizome extracts of Hydnora africana are used as an anti-dysenteric treatment in South Africa.

describing the occurrence of such "spirilla" in cases of "cholera-like" and "dysenteric" disease.

Academy of Besançon) use of the potato as a source of nourishment for dysenteric patients.

"On an invisible microbe antagonistic toward dysenteric bacilli: brief note by Mr.

Infections à bacille pseudo-dysentériques en Algérie (Infections by pseudo-dysenteric bacillus in Algeria) 1916 Bacilles paradysentériques isolés en Algérie.

is a traditional medicinal species which a leaf infusion exhibits anti-dysenteric properties against infectious diseases.

All sanitary discipline had vanished and dysenteric excrement covered every open space.

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