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eavesdropping Meaning in Bengali


আড়ি পাতিয়া শোনা, কান পেতে শোনা, লুকাইয়া শোনা, আড়ি পেতে শোনা,

eavesdropping's Usage Examples:

new off-the-shelf surveillance device is an IMSI-catcher, a telephone eavesdropping device used to intercept mobile phone traffic and track the movement.

does not have to be a device specifically designed for the purpose of eavesdropping.

Intelligence Agency–National Security Agency program charged with inserting eavesdropping equipment in difficult-to-reach places, such as foreign embassies, communications.

characters or experience the situation as if the reader were part of or eavesdropping upon the action the writer is divulging.

secure channel, an insecure channel is unencrypted and may be subject to eavesdropping.

qualified and equipped persons in an attempt to discover electronic eavesdropping devices, security hazards or security weaknesses.

digital signatures, ensuring only authenticated access, prevention of eavesdropping, prevention of playback and spoofing, and intrusion detection.

Van Eck phreaking, also known as Van Eck radiation, is a form of eavesdropping in which special equipment is used to pick up side-band electromagnetic.

communication system can be implemented that detects eavesdropping.

If the level of eavesdropping is below a certain threshold, a key can be produced that.

Soviet Union at or before 1947, when he developed and used the Buran eavesdropping system.

to gather intelligence, usually by means of sophisticated electronic eavesdropping.

FHSS is used to avoid interference, to prevent eavesdropping, and to enable code-division multiple access (CDMA) communications.

by allowing them to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.

Amateur astronomer observations suspected the satellite was eavesdropping on Thuraya 2 and this was reported to be confirmed by documents released.

Digital signals allowed the phones to be more secure and decreased eavesdropping; it was relatively easy to eavesdrop on analog cordless phone conversations.

recipient are not both in cleartext at any hop along the way, anyone eavesdropping at any point along the communication channel cannot directly identify.


tap; listen; wiretap; bug; listen in; intercept;


ride; deposit; disobey;

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