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echoic Meaning in Bengali

echoic's Usage Examples:

The other two types of SM that have been most extensively studied are echoic memory, and haptic memory; however, it is reasonable to assume that each.

) is called echoic.

autoclitic and six elementary operants: mand, tact, audience relation, echoic, textual, and intraverbal.

As with iconic memory, echoic memory only.

The name koel is echoic in origin with several language variants.

An anechoic chamber (an-echoic meaning "non-reflective, non-echoing, echo-free") is a room designed to completely absorb reflections of either sound or.

were measured to be equally strong in both directions, echoic-to-visual, and visual-to-echoic.

hypoechoic lesions with focal thickening of the paracavernous tissues, echoic focal thickening of the tunica without posterior acoustic shadowing, retractile.

This and other similar terms (echoic memory, phonological loop) are used to explain a specialized short-term.


onomatopoetic; onomatopoeical; onomatopoeic; imitative;


true; genuine; natural; sincere; nonechoic;

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