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economized Meaning in Bengali

সাবধানভাবে এবং frugally ব্যবহার


ব্যয়সঙ্কোচ করা, ব্যয় সংকোচ করা, সঁচয়ী হত্তয়া, সতর্কভাবে খরচ করা, মিতব্যয় করা, খরচ বাঁচান,

economized's Usage Examples:

must fight, if not in the trenches, in the factories; man-power must be economized by the dilution of labour and the employment of women; private factories.

Some low-end recording units economized by eliminating the feed mechanism, relying instead on the use of discs.

Rather than an expensive balcony, architect William Blakey economized by incorporating a terrace which at the time was described as a "climbing.

the losses in mid-1944 required the creation of infantry divisions that economized on personnel and emphasized defensive strength over offensive strength.

Serial producers often economized by including a "cheater" chapter, in which flashbacks to earlier chapters.

Pietro Perugino economized on this painting of the Virgin Mary (about 1500) by using azurite for.

don't use the onboard video found on previous Mac models, Apple wisely economized by simply leaving it out.

induce the environmental sinners to consume what the Kyoto countries have economized on.

However, many school educators economized so fewer color prints are viewable today.

complexes of Neferirkare and Sahure, which, restrictive in area and terrain, economized the costs of labour and material.

is generally the largest and most opulent, becoming reduced and more economized for subsequent children.

clan's turn to uphold the policy of sakoku in Nagasaki, but they had economized by stationing only 100 troops there, instead of the 1,000 men officially.

being that the (self-) definition of modern societies as capitalist or economized may be inappropriate.

Additionally, two stations were economized within the Brunswick domain by increasing the distance between stations.

Because we economized on the amount of cloth we used in the costume.

One of the ways Starck has economized costs for the public is his plastic-furniture line, producing pieces such.

six-page memo, had attempted to convince his superiors at MGM to employ economized techniques in order to reduce the cost of their short films, but received.

After the 2008 economic crisis Olson economized his live performances by playing either as a solo artist or in more stripped-down.

economized's Meaning':

use cautiously and frugally


retrench; conserve; husband; preserve; save; economise;


waste; wife; discontinue; lose; sell;

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