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electronic jamming Meaning in Bengali


ইলেকট্রনিক জ্যামিং,

electronic jamming's Usage Examples:

It can defeat electronic jamming systems and "cannot be thrown off course", according to Iranian officials.

range high altitude aircraft in adverse natural noise and active electronic jamming environments.

The bomber squadrons of 100 Group utilised various specialist electronic jamming devices to disrupt German radio communications and radar.

The armor is also equipped with electronic jamming technology, which prevents people from electronically recording him.

detection, including defensive armament, escort fighters, chaff and electronic jamming.

Voodoos remained in service after the stand-down: the unique EF-101B electronic jamming aircraft (also known as the "Electric Voodoo") and a single CF-101F.

used electronic jamming against the communist radar on the radar-directed AA guns, but most.

" Observers of Cuba point to the fact Iran used an electronic jamming station outside Havana which Cuba blocks broadcasting by the US-backed.

101 Squadron were the main providers of electronic jamming equipment for raids over Germany, using Monica from July 1943 in three.

3 Tupolev Tu-154  Russia electronic warfare 8 Shaanxi Y-8  China electronic jamming Y-8EW 17 Maritime patrol Boeing 737  United States patrol / transport.

versions included an optronic targeting system, as a backup in high electronic jamming conditions.

need for human intervention with the exception of helicopters and electronic jamming.

aerial reconnaissance, for transporting air-assault forces, radio-electronic jamming, for special-operations missions and for various light-transport missions.

disabling a camera system, Max speculates about defeating it with electronic jamming, while Cash simply puts a post-it note over the lens.

He was later transferred to the specially-formed 100 Group for electronic jamming operations against German nightfighters.

Alakurtti hosted a Mi-8PP (Hip-K) helicopter regiment specializing in electronic jamming.

It was discovered that the Soviets' intent was eavesdropping and electronic jamming rather than mind control.

end of the US VHF FM broadcast band) which was far less affected by electronic jamming, but this required the much larger Hirschgeweih (stag's antlers) antennas.


electronic countermeasures; ECM; jam; selective jamming; jamming; spot jamming; barrage jamming;


free; unclog; pull; function;

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