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embracing Meaning in Bengali




embracing's Usage Examples:

promotes the unity of humanity, and that people's vision should be world-embracing and that people should love the whole world rather than just their nation.

It represents the infant Christ embracing his cousin John the Baptist.

Despite its title it shows a bacchante embracing a female faun.

Sedimentary deposits embracing the southwestern parts of the Major and Minor Caucasus, including the.

traditional lands covered roughly 30,000 square kilometres (11,500 sq mi), embracing Angaston and Freeling in the south and running northwards to Clare, Crystal.

Dikarya is the group embracing Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, which comprise ~98% of the described fungal.

In July 2011, Newton delivered a TED Talk on "Embracing otherness, embracing myself.

ballad, with Fanny explaining that we often run from love, instead of embracing it.

After she finds him embracing one of the maids, a man's fiancée ends her engagement to him.

a cave of Naj Tunich is a depiction of a naked, sexually excited male embracing a nude Maya nobleman, possibly by way of initiation.


clutch; embrace; clench; embracement; clutches; clinch; grip; clasp; hug; snuggle; cuddle; grasp; squeeze; hold; nestle;


lose; disagree; enable; deny; derestrict;

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