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emergency exit Meaning in Bengali

 জরুরী বহির্গমন,


জরুরী বহির্গমন,

emergency exit শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

লিখিত ও মৌখিক নির্দেশাবলী অনুযায়ী, সেই বিকালে তাদের দেহাবশেষ বাংকারের জরুরী বহির্গমন দিয়ে উপরে সিঁড়ি পর্যন্ত আনা হয় এবং বাংকারের বাইরে রাইখ চ্যান্সেলারি ।

emergency exit's Usage Examples:

An emergency exit in a structure is a special exit for emergencies such as a fire: the combined use of regular and special exits allows for faster evacuation.

windows, thermal, or Diocletian, windows, picture windows, Rose windows, emergency exit windows, stained glass windows, French windows, panel windows, double/triple-paned.

The former station entrance is now the emergency exit from today's station, the emergency exit being marked by red doors at the bottom of the.

from filling up with water in case of implosion of the sprayskirt or emergency exit of the paddler from the kayak.

it possible to put in a larger window, the window can act as a safer emergency exit in case of fire as well as letting in additional daylight for the enjoyment.

The ventilator also serves as an emergency exit from the eastern end of the New York City Subway's Joralemon Street.

provide access to emergency and maintenance personnel and act as an emergency exit.

Shortly prior to opening, flaws such as emergency exit lighted signs, unclear ticket displays, and jammed emergency exits were.

afternoon their remains were carried up the stairs through the bunker's emergency exit, doused in petrol, and set alight in the Reich Chancellery garden outside.

Currently, the station is used as an emergency exit for Metro-North Railroad in the Park Avenue Tunnel.

A short gallery with cross galleries extends into the rock, with an emergency exit and ventilation shaft halfway back.

A fire escape is a special kind of emergency exit, usually mounted to the outside of a building or occasionally inside but separate from the main areas.

fully enclosed and featured a celluloid panel on its ceiling as an emergency exit.

causing the aircraft to crash, but Wong Yu survived by jumping out the emergency exit just before the plane hit the water.

steep-sided passage through which water flows rapidly Escape chute, an emergency exit utilized where conventional fire escapes are impractical Mail chute.

and shock, until the employee told him and other visitors about the emergency exit.


fire escape; stairway; staircase;


drunkenness; soberness; sleepiness;

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