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end organ Meaning in Bengali




end organ's Usage Examples:

these conditions are at increased risk of hypertensive emergencies or end organ failure.

Essentially this is decreased end organ responsiveness to thyroid hormones.

plasma cells), normal skeletal survey, absent or low paraprotein and no end organ damage.

excitement, the action of various agents on nerves, muscles, or a sensory end organ, by which activity is evoked Sexual excitation Excitement (film), a lost.

be perfused by the false lumen, while the left common carotid (and its end organ, the left hemisphere of the brain) if proximal to the dissection, would.

All IMIDs can cause end organ damage, and are associated with increased morbidity and/or mortality.

Its instruments include: Belgium The east-end organ at Antwerp Cathedral Spain The main organ of the Abbey of Poblet Switzerland.


end organ; anlage; secretory organ; sense organ; vital organ; reproductive organ; secreter; secretor; invertebrate foot; cell organelle; body part; speech organ; vocal organ; glossa; crystalline lens; effector; sensory receptor; viscus; stinger; vitals; gland; syphon; lobe; siphon; organ of speech; taret organ; external organ; internal organ; contractor; tongue; ovipositor; erectile organ; primordium; lingua; cell organ; sucker; clapper; organelle; wing; sex organ; receptor; ctene; foot; target organ; contractile organ; comb-plate; lens of the eye; lens;


receptor; effector; activeness; beginning; attack;

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