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enounced Meaning in Bengali


enounced's Usage Examples:

that emphasizes the generalism of pragmatism: Pragmaticism was originally enounced in the form of a maxim, as follows: Consider what effects that might conceivably.

" Paul Mavis in his mixed review on DVD Talk enounced that, "there's no getting around the fact that much of A Reflection of.

Common Man's Front, astounded by this choice, abandoned Giannini who so enounced the pact of friendship with the Italian Communist Party to make an alliance.

" 1 The principle of this syllogism is thus variously enounced: Posita conditione, ponitur conditionatum, sublato conditionato, tlitur.

E nticing and entic'd to ev'ry fraud, R enounced virtue, liberty and God.

laureate Robert Bridges sparked the debate when he argued: The thought as enounced in the first stanza is the supremacy of ideal art over Nature, because.

of Excluded Middle can both be traced back to Plato, by whom they were enounced and frequently applied; though it was not till long after, that either.

one of his more emphatic statements of it: Pragmaticism was originally enounced in the form of a maxim, as follows: Consider what effects, that might conceivably.

Morris was one of the main supporter of the new method enounced by Lister, and later on, of the new theories about asepsis, introduced.

that he does not understand the simplest terms of science, — that he has enounced a proposition of which he does not know the meaning,— that the proposition.


flap; nasalise; drawl; devoice; subvocalise; talk; click; accentuate; palatalize; syllabise; palatalise; vowelize; round; syllabize; speak; utter; articulate; mispronounce; voice; trill; labialize; pronounce; mouth; vocalize; verbalize; sound; roll; sibilate; subvocalize; nasalize; enunciate; verbalise; say; accent; raise; sound out; vocalise; lilt; labialise; retroflex; lisp; twang; aspirate; explode; stress; misspeak; vowelise;


implode; play up; foreground; devoice; voice;

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