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enticements Meaning in Bengali


প্রলোভনের বস্তু, প্রলোভন,

enticements's Usage Examples:

Arils and arillodes are often edible enticements that encourage animals to transport the seed, thereby assisting in seed.

The British offered him enticements to sign the Subsidiary Treaty in return for the throne.

Click-bait headlines add an element of dishonesty, using enticements that do not accurately reflect the content being delivered.

The back of the box often included enticements in the form of images of promotional items included for "free" in the.

Muhammad, arose, and he seduced many away from the truth with carnal enticements and pleasures.

This psalm contains a prayer for deliverance from 'the enticements and the oppression of the wicked' and for seeking 'divine support to.

she is utterly passive in the face of her prospective father-in-law's enticements, replying only by weeping.

song was about a young farmboy who leaves his father's farm for the enticements of the city, only to become worn down and disillusioned.

This made enticements by labor agents attractive to individuals who were looking for better.

But it has deviousness to burn, and it also offers other enticements.

Lafler explores the joys of musical camaraderie, the enticements and perils of addiction, life on the road and much more in a series of.

In addition, the Florentine House of Medici was using financial enticements to forward their candidate, Lorenzo Corsini.

Overseas Chinese, who in the years since 1949 have been offered various enticements to return to their homeland.

Egyptian's wife endeavours to seduce Joseph but he was preserved from her enticements.

thrillingly adult looks at, respectively, emotional paralysis and the enticements of a handsome, attentive stranger.

The chance of plunder being low, there were few enticements to enlistment.

criminal legal system abuse are jury tampering, the practice of directing enticements or threats to jurors in order to influence their deliberations, and falsification.

Reggie is a sophisticated European, who introduces Sylvia to the enticements of the European lifestyle, to which she is attracted.

For him the enticements of the flesh are not more powerful than those of art.


attraction; come-on; lure; attractiveness;


ugliness; attractive; unfasten; unhook; straight line;

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