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equivocating Meaning in Bengali

 দ্ব্যর্থবাক্য ব্যবহার করা, বাক্চাতুরী করা,


বাক্চাতুরী করা, দ্ব্যর্থবাক্য ব্যবহার করা,

equivocating's Usage Examples:

1651) was a Highland clan chief and Scottish nobleman, who played an equivocating role in Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.

(BDS) movement, and has made highly controversial statements, including equivocating between Zionism and ISIS, as well as criticizing renowned Israeli laureate.

issued a statement that, although approved by Snedden, was widely seen as equivocating about his future plans.

police check point, usually playing his patented persona of a blustery, equivocating businessman or politician.

The script writers used equivocating phrases and words to evade the censorship.

When published in 1656, it was under the equivocating title The siege of Rhodes made a representation by the art of prospective.

a Canadian political movement Waffle (speech), speech that involves equivocating or blathering Waffles (episode), the 39th episode of the first season.

Socrates Scholasticus, Arius did not in fact repent of his heresy, but was equivocating, and Bishop Alexander was aware of this.

Civil War the Clan Macrae supported the Royalist cause but under the equivocating Earl of Seaforth firstly fought valiantly on the losing Stateside at.

The differences in meaning are so obvious that equivocating by use of them cannot normally be pursued without first softening up.

argue that Dennett fails to engage with the problem of consciousness by equivocating subjective experience with behaviour or cognition.

The mythic element is an equivocating attempt to resolve the submerged conflict between an ancient ten labors.

Smoke" September 22, 1978 (1978-09-22) Eddie volunteers to help clear an equivocating young woman of murder charges resulting from an arson investigation.

those members of the Conservative Party who showed the slightest sign of equivocating on support for the House of Lords, the Union, and the Empire in the required.

Ashcroft nonetheless defended the program, equivocating on whether the reports by citizens on fellow citizens would be maintained.

He frequently pondered over writing his memoirs, and after many years equivocating had promised friends he had set aside time to do so, but died just a.

There was to be no equivocating.

By equivocating certain columns with parameters to be estimated, Plackett–Burmans can.

However, in 1681, after equivocating over his obedience to king James VII (a Roman Catholic), the Earl was.


misinform; prevaricate; palter; tergiversate; mislead; beat around the bush;


undeceive; understate;

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