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essentialism Meaning in Bengali

essentialism's Usage Examples:

Gender essentialism is a concept used to examine the attribution of fixed, intrinsic, innate qualities to women and men.

Difference feminism did not require a commitment to essentialism.

Scientific essentialism, a view espoused by Saul Kripke and Hilary Putnam, maintains that there exist essential properties that objects possess (or instantiate).

Often synonymous to anti-foundationalism, non-essentialism in philosophy is the non-belief in an essence (from Latin esse) of any given thing, idea, or.

assertion that all phenomena are empty of any essence, and that anti-essentialism lies at the root of Buddhist praxis and it is the innate belief in essence.

He argues for a form of scientific essentialism not unlike Aristotelian essentialism.

Today, scientists consider such biological essentialism obsolete, and generally discourage racial explanations for collective.

Educational essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly.

Philosophically, post-Marxism counters derivationism and essentialism (for example, it does not see economy as a foundation of politics and.

Non-essentialism argues that every property is an accident.

 Postmodern feminists seek to accomplish this goal through rejecting essentialism, philosophy, and universal truths in favor of embracing the differences.

The new essentialism is a comprehensive philosophy of nature.

In the 1980s and 1990s ecofeminism began to be heavily critiqued as 'essentialism'.

Foucault dismissed the search for a return to origins as Platonic essentialism, preferring to stress the contingent nature of human practices.

Strategic essentialism, a major concept in postcolonial theory, was introduced in the 1980s by the Indian literary critic and theorist Gayatri Chakravorty.

distinct, opposite, and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine Gender essentialism, the theory that universal features in social gender are at the root.

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