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esthete Meaning in Bengali

 কলাবিদ্যবিশারদ, সুন্দরের পূজারী,



esthete's Usage Examples:

The superman of d'Annunzio is an esthete cultured, who loves only art, and we dedicate ourselves with all his being.

Topics The central theme is that of the decadent esthete.

Batyushkov, Nikolai Grech and others), he was a man of a brilliant mind, esthete, polyglot, and bibliophile.

and for forming his literary tastes: Ellingham Brooks was a homosexual esthete, short like Maugham but with a noble Byronic forehead, curly chestnut hair.

characters (including Cardinal Benvenuto, cocaine addict and debauched old esthete).

becomes fascinated by Janet's friend Anthony Neville, an aristocratic esthete who lives out of the Pierre hotel and has homes in the Riviera and the.

"Then," he thought, "better be an esthete.

" But one cannot be an esthete if one has been a Christian for five-sixths of one's life.

"Even “The Seducer’s Diary” was only a possibility of horror, which the esthete in his groping existence had conjured up precisely because he, without.

Philosopher and esthete Al-Farabi, at the end of the ninth century, established the foundations.


cognoscente; connoisseur; aesthete;

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