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eukaryote Meaning in Bengali



eukaryote শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কিন্তু অনান্য ইউকারইওট যেমন গাছপালা এবং ছত্রাকের দেহে এটি অল্প পরিমাণে সংশ্লেষিত হয় ।

eukaryote's Usage Examples:

"The revised classification of eukaryotes".

Heliozoa, commonly known as sun-animalcules, are microbial eukaryotes (protists) with stiff arms (axopodia) radiating from their spherical bodies, which.

Breviata anathema is a single-celled flagellate amoeboid eukaryote, previously studied under the name Mastigamoeba invertens.

"Early evolution of eukaryote feeding modes, cell structural diversity, and classification of the protozoan.

possessing eukaryotes considers both explanations insufficient on their own to explain the complex distribution of these two proteins in Eukaryotes.

In eukaryotes.

biological process by which messenger RNA is translated into proteins in eukaryotes.

Telonemia is a phylum of microscopic eukaryote, single-celled organisms.

CRuMs is a proposed clade of microbial eukaryotes, whose name is an acronym of the following constituent groups: i) collodictyonids also known as diphylleids.

Postgaardi mariagerensis is a species of single-celled eukaryote in the Euglenozoa.

"Enigmatic Diphyllatea eukaryotes: Culturing and targeted PacBio RS amplicon sequencing reveals a higher.

Chromalveolata was an eukaryote supergroup present in a major classification of 2005, then regarded as one of the six major groups within the eukaryotes.


eucaryote; organism; being;


parasite; sitter; stander; prokaryote;

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