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evolute Meaning in Bengali


কুনুলাকার অংশ, কুনুলাকার,

evolute শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হয়, fluted (এটা খাঁজ আপ উত্কীর্ণ তার দৈর্ঘ্য). রাজধানী বৈশিষ্ট্য একটি কুনুলাকার, একটি অলঙ্কার মত আকৃতির একটি স্ক্রোলএ চার কোণে. উচ্চতা-থেকে-বেধ অনুপাত ।

evolute's Usage Examples:

shape will be the evolute of that curve.

The evolute of a circle is therefore a single point at its center.

Equivalently, an evolute is the envelope of.

The evolute of an involute is the original curve.

The notions of the involute and evolute of a curve were introduced by Christiaan.

Campbelloceras, Tarphyceras, and Trocholites, are tightly coiled, but evolute with all whorls showing.

overwhelmingly produced planospirally coiled discoidal shells that may be evolute with inner whorls exposed or involute with only the outer whorl showing.

Neocardioceras is a genus of evolute acanthoceratid ammonites from the uppermost Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous, of Europe, western U.

Shells may be either evolute or involute.

Ammonites with evolute, serpenticone to cadicone shells with ribs, sometimes.

The evolute of a curve is the locus of centers of curvature.

Shells vary in form, including those that are evolute, such that all whorls are exposed, and those that are strongly involute.

Jurassic (Bajocian) to Lower Cretaceous (Barremian) ammonites, commonly with evolute shells with strong ribbing that typically divides about mid flank before.

loosely coiled, evolute and gyroconic shells in which the sutural element are said to have complex moss-like endings.

Shells are generally evolute, with all.

some Oxynoticeratidae were oxycone, most of the species were evolute.

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Permian, the shell of which is moderately evolute with a subquadrate whorl section, bearing nodes on the ventral or umbilical.

The shell is in two basic parts, an early planispirally coiled evolute section followed by a more or less straight section that turns back on.

asymmetrically biconvex trochospiral that may be bi-involute or partially evolute on the spiral side.

multichambered, plano-convex, trochospiral, with a flat or dished-out evolute spiral side and a strongly arched, involute umbilical side.

The shell is very evolute, all whorls exposed, and rather depressed, with prominent umbilical and.

It is nearly identical in form to the evolute of an ellipse.

Ophiceras is a genus of smooth, evolute ceratitid ammonites from the Early Triassic, with a rounded venter.

phylogenetically related families, characterized in general by having ribbed evolute shells that commonly bear spines or tubercles.

The shell of Domatoceras is evolute, coiled with whorls touching but not overlapping, some growing to be moderately.

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