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exchanging Meaning in Bengali



পোদ্দারি, বণিক্দিগের আড্ডা, বাণিজ্যস্থান, ব্যতিহার, পরস্পর পদাদিবদল, নিষ্ক্রয়, এত্তয়াজ, পরিবর্ত, অদলবদল, পণ্যবিনিময়, পরিবৃত্তি, আদান-প্রদান, বিনিময়,


অদলবদল করা, বদল করা, বিনিময়ে চলা, পরস্পর বিনিময় করা, পণ্যবিনিময় করা, বিনিময় করা,

exchanging's Usage Examples:

Tonglen is also known as exchanging self with other.

This is accomplished by exchanging divalent cations (e.

ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, alpha polypeptide Identifiers Symbol ATP4A NCBI gene 495 HGNC 819 OMIM 137216 RefSeq NM_000704 UniProt P20648 Other data EC number.

natural card ranking, is played with double German cards and a Weli, has no exchanging and has a different scoring system.

code points 0–31, in exchanging the box-drawing characters 176–223 for international characters and other symbols, and exchanging code point 236 with the.

matching packages across distributions, which might improve the process of exchanging patches.

Exchanging is limited to 4 cards maximum and there is provision for the discards to be shuffled and used for further exchanging if the talon.

Metadata Interchange (XMI) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for exchanging metadata information via Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer.

at code points 0–31, in exchanging the box-drawing characters 176–223 for the Hebrew alphabet and other symbols, and exchanging code points 158, 236 and.

It initially emerged in 2008 from the UK's dubstep and grime scenes, exchanging their austere sound for a typically colorful or exuberant style featuring.

If he does so, no more exchanging may take place.

Eurovision was set up for the purpose of exchanging TV programmes and, subsequently, TV news footage (via the daily Eurovision.

The declarer then has the option of exchanging any number of cards from his hand with those from the talon.

It provides for exchanging: (1) ontologies/reference dictionaries compliant with the common ISO13584/IEC61360.

compatible component descriptions from multiple component vendors, to enable exchanging complex component libraries between electronic design automation (EDA).

In organic chemistry, transesterification is the process of exchanging the organic group R″ of an ester with the organic group R′ of an alcohol.


photochemical exchange; chemical phenomenon;


decontaminate; loosen; demilitarize;

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