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exciton Meaning in Bengali


প্রকোপিত, আলোড়িত, আন্দোলিত করান যায় এমন, প্রজ্বালিত, উত্তাপিত, প্রকুপিত, ঝাঁজাল, উদ্রি্ত, উত্কণ্ঠিত, ভাবাবিষ্ট, ব্যস্ত, গরম, আবেগকম্পিত, অপ্রকৃতিস্থ, উন্মত্ত, উত্ক, উতলা, উদ্দীপিত, উদ্দীপ্ত, অধীর,

exciton's Usage Examples:

An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force.

For exciton-polaritons, rich experimental results on various aspects have been gained.

and exciton donor.

The other material facilitates exciton dissociation at the junction.

Charge is transferred and then separated after an exciton created.

pulse can excite a pair of carriers known as an exciton in the quantum dot.

The decay of a single exciton due to spontaneous emission leads to the emission.

The trion itself is a quasiparticle and is somewhat similar to an exciton, which is a complex of one electron and one hole.

bind to each other to form an exciton.

When this exciton recombines (i.

the electron resumes its ground state), the exciton's energy can be emitted as.

which correspond to the deformational oscillations of the lattice, and the excitons which describe the internal amide I excitations of the peptide groups.

electron-hole (e-h) pair; the pair may be bound and is referred to as an exciton.

electrons and holes can be bound to excitons that are hydrogen-like states of matter.

At the same time, the exciton binding energy is few to hundreds of.

materials with a large exciton binding energy, it is possible for a photon to have just barely enough energy to create an exciton (bound electron–hole pair).

known as an exciton.

The carrier multiplication effect in a dot can be understood as creating multiple excitons, and is called multiple exciton generation.

Two methods are reported: the octant rule and the exciton chirality method.

exciton eigenfunctions are denoted by ϕ λ ( k ) {\displaystyle \phi _{\lambda }({\mathbf {k} })} where λ {\displaystyle \lambda } labels the exciton state.

Förster coupling is the resonant energy transfer between excitons within adjacent QD's (quantum dots).

, from the radiative recombination of excitons, Coulomb-bound electron-hole pair states in solids.

The exciton itself diffuses quite a large distance (>10 nm).

As the name implies, an exciton is an excited state; only when.

for electrons and holes to be bound into an exciton: indirect exciton and direct exciton.

In indirect exciton, electrons and holes are in different quantum.

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