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excommunicate Meaning in Bengali

 গির্জার সংস্রব হইতে বঞ্চিত করা,সমাজচু্যত করা


ধর্মসম্প্রদায় হইতে বহিষ্কৃত করা, গির্জা হইতে বহিষ্কৃত করা, সমাজচু্যত করা,

excommunicate's Usage Examples:

The Amish have also been known to excommunicate members that were either seen or known for breaking rules, or questioning.

Rome under siege by Emperor Frederick II, the pope used the council to excommunicate and depose the emperor with Ad Apostolicae Dignitatis Apicem, as well.

The excommunicated person is basically considered as an exile from the Church and as non-existent.

issued, the LDS Church began to excommunicate members who entered into new polygamist marriages.

This resulted in excommunicated members forming their own churches.

in English ecclesiastical law, issued out of chancery, that a man be excommunicated for forty days, and imprisoned until he submits himself to the authority.

celibacy, in 1258 he had to send a request to the Pope about not having to excommunicate those who broke the rule.

"Elders excommunicate Phelps after power struggle, call for kindness within church".

fierce critic of the Russian Orthodox Church, which went so far as to excommunicate him for his writings on Christianity in 1901.

not have the power to excommunicate, and that their only power was admonishment, but the Consistory continued to excommunicate about a dozen people per.

Hazimis believe that those who do not unconditionally excommunicate (takfir) unbelievers are themselves unbelievers, which opponents argue.

that with that exception, "nobody is a vitandus excommunicate unless the Apostolic See has excommunicated him by name and has proclaimed the excommunication.

of souls whose penitent Christian life was delayed or deficient: the excommunicate and the late repentant.

In early 1317 Edward appealed to Pope John XXII to excommunicate Bruce and to end his attacks.

sister church of Armenia to break communion with the Georgian church and excommunicate its catholicos Kirion I.

1170 - 1171 and again from around 1173 to 1195, during which he was excommunicated several times by Maimonides for tax farming.

intent, they refused to obey the pope, and threatened to excommunicate him, were he to excommunicate them, and even to depose him as pope.

to excommunicate".

in 1918 the Odessa rabbis excommunicated Leon Trotsky "Prof.

Kaplan "excommunicated" by.

instructed the Archbishop of Manila, Bernardino Nozaleda y Villa to excommunicate those who initiated the schism.

failed, since the younger Henry refused to have anything to do with his excommunicate father.


unchurch; exclude; curse; shut out; keep out; shut;


open; bless; repatriate; communicate; admit;

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