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explode Meaning in Bengali

 সশব্দে বিদীর্ণ হওয়া বা করা


বিস্ফোরিত করা, বিস্ফোরিত হত্তয়া, বিস্ফোরিত করান, রহিত করা, মিথ্যা প্রমাণ করা, প্রকাশ পাত্তয়া, ফেটে পড়া, সশব্দে বিদীর্ণ হত্তয়া, সহসা ফাটিয়া পড়া, উচ্চরবে বিদীর্ণ হত্তয়া, উচ্চরবে বিদীর্ণ করান, অপযশ করা, নিন্দা করা, সশব্দে বিদীর্ণ করা,

explode's Usage Examples:


sticky secretion to trap colony marauders, and pea aphids will sometimes explode, protecting other pea aphids from ladybirds.

[citation needed] Duds are still dangerous, and can explode if handled.

characteristic for its use of small targets containing gunpowder, which explode on impact.

The star catastrophically collapses and may explode in what is known as a Type II supernova.

plane dropped a bomb that penetrated her hull, but the bomb failed to explode.

for a scene of Revok telepathically causing a rival scanner's head to explode.

bomb differs somewhat in concept from traditional bombs, which usually explode at or near the surface, and destroy their target directly by explosive.

explosions of these charges were more efficient if the charges were set to explode below or above the submarine.

One of the cheapest explosives, it burns slowly and cannot explode without a detonator, so it can be stored safely.

carried out on him by the Kree Lunatic Legion, Robert gained the ability to explode and reform himself at will and became a professional criminal.

finally a white dwarf, or they reach the Wolf Rayet stage and explode as supernovae, or they explode as supernovae while blue supergiants.


set off; fulminate; blow up; detonate; change integrity; dynamite;


voice; refrain; unbalance; background; play down;

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