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expressions Meaning in Bengali

 অভিব্যক্তি, প্রকাশ, রাশি, রাশিমালা, চাপ দিয়া বাহির করা, বাক্যের রীতি, জ্ঞাপন, মুখের ভাব, মতপ্রকাশ, মুখাবয়ব, দ্যোতন, স্ফূর্তি, স্ফুটন, ব্যঁজন, ব্যঁজনা,


দ্যোতন, ব্যঁজনা, ব্যঁজন, স্ফুটন, স্ফূর্তি, মুখাবয়ব, মতপ্রকাশ, মুখের ভাব, জ্ঞাপন, বাক্যের রীতি, চাপ দিয়া বাহির করা, রাশিমালা, রাশি, প্রকাশ, অভিব্যক্তি,

expressions's Usage Examples:

regular expressions have existed since the 1980s, one being the POSIX standard and another, widely used, being the Perl syntax.

Regular expressions are used.

expressions (M-expressions), which express functions of S-expressions.

M-expressions never found favor, and almost all Lisps today use S-expressions to.

mapandreduce functions; list comprehensions, dictionaries, sets, and generator expressions.

Facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication.

development of algorithms and software for manipulating mathematical expressions and other mathematical objects.

computation expressions.

Sequence expressions, asynchronous computations and queries are particular kinds of computation expressions.

Computation expressions are.

there are an estimated twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions.

Many idiomatic expressions were meant literally in their original use, but sometimes.

C++ provides support for anonymous functions, also known as lambda expressions, with the following form: [capture](parameters) -> return_type { function_body.

However, the class of expressions considered to be analytic expressions tends to be wider than that for closed-form expressions.

viewed as expressions that can be evaluated to true or false, depending on the values that are given to the variables occurring in the expressions.

calculus, terms are built using only the following rules: producing expressions such as: (λx.

His work looked at not only facial expressions in animals and specifically humans, but attempted to point out parallels.

who is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions.

Parts-per notations are all dimensionless quantities: in mathematical expressions, the units of measurement always cancel.

Superficially, these expressions may seem tautological, but they are stylistically sound because the repeated.

This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine.

Emotional expressions include facial movements like smiling or scowling, simple behaviors like.


look; visage; countenance; face; light; leer; twinkle; sparkle; spark; facial expression; aspect;


classicism; monosemy; clearness; unambiguity; unequivocalness;

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