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extraditing Meaning in Bengali

 যোগ্য কর্তৃপক্ষ হস্তে সমর্পন করা,


যোগ্য কর্তৃপক্ষ হস্তে সমর্পন করা,

extraditing's Usage Examples:

The government of Syria under Hafez el-Assad came close to extraditing him to East Germany before this plan was halted by the fall of the Berlin.

breaking a second country's law only if a similar law exists in the extraditing country, and that any crime in any sentencing country must also be a.

Gamarra also participated in the process of extraditing the former president back to Peru from Chile.

's difficulties in extraditing him.

accused previous former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan of war crimes in extraditing Cossacks to the Soviet Union.

assassination attempt on Nov 9th, and colluded with French police in extraditing Ji Hongchang for execution in Peking on Nov 24th.

Uzbekistan has cooperated with China in extraditing anti-China Uyghur activists from the country.

The Mexican government is working on extraditing him to the U.

In Burns, the Supreme Court found extraditing people to places where they might face the death penalty breached fundamental.

A documentary detailing US involvement in extraditing and forcibly interning Japanese-Peruvian nationals during WWII including.

police said in a Facebook post that the FBI director had thanked them for extraditing the two men.

November 3, 1971 (1971-11-03) A New York policeman is troubled over extraditing a suspected cop killer.

Russian Federation, Austria, China and Japan, have laws that forbid extraditing their respective citizens.

securing the Montgomery County Courthouse; transporting, transferring, and extraditing prisoners; enforcing court orders; issuing licenses to carry firearms;.

countries to be so outrageous that a person should not be put at risk by the extraditing government.

because Nigeria still uses capital punishment and Angolan law forbids extraditing suspects to nations in which they may face the punishment of death.

This flee attempt would make CBI's case of extraditing him to India in Antiguan courts stronger.

Comoran President Ahmed Abdallah Sambi said that if the French objected to extraditing Bacar to Comoros, where the death penalty is allowed, then it could send.

This article has been interpreted as prohibiting a state from extraditing an individual to another state if they are likely to suffer the death.


repatriate; deport; kick out; throw out; expel; deliver;


reject; expatriate; refrain; repatriate; take away;

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