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fallers Meaning in Bengali



fallers শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

  Adolf Faller; Michael Schünke; Gabriele Schünke (২০০৪) ।

  Faller, Kathleen C. (১৯৯৩) ।

  Craig, Stefan B.; Faller, Mary S.; Puckett, Charles L. (২০০০) ।

time, child's description reveals pressure or coercion.  Kathleen Coulborn Faller (২০০৩) ।

fallers's Usage Examples:

It accounts for around 2% of fallers in the Grand National race.

In clearcutting, fallers will typically cut down all the trees and limb and buck them into logs.

However, it regularly claims fallers, not just in the Grand National but other races held over the course.

The following table shows the number of fallers at Becher's Brook during the main Grand National race (excluding the other.

a small town made up of patriarchal families like the Ranahans Harris, fallers Faulkners Daniels and the Spooners.

11 of the 39 starters completed the course, with all of the fallers returning safely to the stables.

traditionally been a satirical jab at whatever draws the attention of the fallers (the registered participants of the casals).

Kelsey Bay Division (MacMillan Bloedel Ltd) fallers refused to fall this area in 1990 and it was left.

finishers and fallers - where did your horse finish?".

"Grand National 2019: Full result, finishers and fallers - where did your.

could increase the risk of falls and that differences between fallers and non-fallers were most pronounced for measures related to lateral stability.


individual; somebody; soul; mortal; person; someone;


good guy; introvert; fat person; female; lower;

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