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fangs Meaning in Bengali



fangs's Usage Examples:

hindmost position of those of the Opistothelae Among the Opisthothelae, the fangs of the Mygalomorphae point straight down in front of the mouth aperture.

All have long (relative to non-vipers), hinged fangs that permit deep penetration and injection of snake venom.

be fangs.

Certain mythological and legendary creatures such as dragons, gargoyles and yakshas are commonly depicted with prominent fangs.

The fangs of.

Commonly referred to as "jaws", chelicerae may be shaped as either articulated fangs, or similarly to pincers.

is a family of venomous snakes characterized by their permanently erect fangs at the front of the mouth.

dog teeth, or (in the context of the upper jaw) fangs, eye teeth, vampire teeth, or vampire fangs, are the relatively long, pointed teeth.

They are distinguished by having chelicerae (fangs) that point diagonally forward and cross in a pinching action, in contrast.

delivered by injection using hollow or grooved fangs, although some venomous snakes lack well-developed fangs.

pairs of fangs.

The first of infinitely many vampire numbers with 2 pairs of fangs: 125460 = 204 × 615 = 246 × 510 The first with 3 pairs of fangs: 13078260.

and into the fangs.

When the fangs are not in use, they remain folded against the palate.

Rattlesnakes are born with fully functioning fangs and venom,.

eldest of the Gorgons, vicious female monsters with brass hands, sharp fangs and "hair" made of living venomous snakes.

and its teeth, hair, and nails may have grown somewhat, though in general fangs were not a feature.

It is injected by unique fangs during a bite, and some species are also able to spit their venom.





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