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fascism Meaning in Bengali




fascism শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মুসোলিনি ও ক্যাথলিক চার্চের হাস্যকর প্রতিকৃতি পরিস্ফুট করে তুলেন ; তার মতে- ফ্যাসিবাদ ও ক্যাথলিক চার্চ ইতালিয়ানদের স্থায়ী কৈশোরের নিগড়ে আবদ্ধ করে রেখেছে ।

এটাকে সাধারণত একধরনের ফ্যাসিবাদ বলে চিহ্নিত করা হয়, যার মধ্যে বৈজ্ঞানিক কৌলিবাদ (সায়েন্টিফিক রেসিজম) ।

ফ্যাসিবাদ (ইংরেজি: Fascism) হচ্ছে র‍্যাডিক্যাল কর্তৃত্বমূলক জাতীয়তাবাদের একটি রূপ ।

fascism's Usage Examples:

Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system.

Anti-fascism is a political movement in opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals.

Neo-fascism is a post-World War II ideology that includes significant elements of fascism.

Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, racial supremacy.

Italian Fascism (Italian: fascismo italiano), also known as Classical Fascism or simply Fascism, is the original fascist ideology as developed in Italy.

Classical fascism Crypto-fascism Eco-fascism Gay fascism Neo-fascism Para-fascism Post-fascism Proto-fascism Techno-fascism Tropical fascism Alt-right.

was released in 1943 and, politically disgraced by his association with fascism, moved abroad in 1951, spending most of the remainder of his life in Paris.

variety of political systems, including authoritarianism, absolutism, fascism and liberalism.

The likening of the Sangh Parivar to fascism by Western.

authors Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier suggest that the synthesis of fascism and environmentalism began with Nazism.

In their book Ecofascism: Lessons.

Falangism has a disputed relationship with fascism as some historians consider the Falange to be a fascist movement based.

"Islamic fascism" (first described in 1933), also known since 1990 as "Islamofascism", is a term drawing an analogy between the ideological characteristics.

the notion of national rebirth, ultranationalism is a key foundation of fascism.

definition of fascism and fascist governments has been a complicated and highly disputed subject concerning the exact nature of fascism and its core tenets.

Clerical fascism (also clero-fascism or clerico-fascism) is an ideology that combines the political and economic doctrines of fascism with clericalism.


Nazism; political theory; national socialism; ideology; political orientation; Naziism;


liberal; dovishness; hawkishness; conservative; capitalism;

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