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fathoming Meaning in Bengali

 অনুধাবন করা, গভীরতানির্ণয় করা, তল পাত্তয়া,

fathoming's Usage Examples:

(sometimes specified as Northumbria), earning the cognomen Vidfamne (Wide-fathoming).

The life of the seeker becomes a fathoming device in which what is timeless, formless, weightless etc, is recognized.

She turns terribly introvert, fathoming the truth within and becoming positive towards people.

For a faithful disciple who is intent on fathoming the Teacher's Dispensation, it is natural that he conduct himself thus:.

When depth sounding (originally fathoming with rope and plumb weight), the recorded depth would for a long haul.

are not for the fathoming of eyes that see; for their marvels are strange and terrific.

psychology with social representation theory and by Wolfgang Wagner in fathoming the relationship between discursive processes, collective behaviour patterns.


understand; penetrate; bottom;


injured; unwholesome; unfit; broken;

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