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feelingly Meaning in Bengali

feelingly's Usage Examples:

profound and convincing exhortation that all who were present were soul feelingly stirred and sensibly impressed.

He spoke briefly but feelingly.

of Shostakovich's quartets, Wendy Lesser wrote that what the composer "feelingly realizes in this quartet is that there can be no settling into comfortable.

King Arthur's Court, but the details of daily life are rendered more feelingly, including the quite earthy and mercenary motivations of many of the Medieval.

Hungama's Rajiv Vijayakar found the version a "bit toned down but much more feelingly sung" than the original.

who weighs 300 pounds or more, relishes telling the story, but he adds feelingly that he kept up his bluff after hearing the brutal comment of the newsboy.

from concertgoers, remarking, "And as Beth Clayton, a mezzo-soprano, feelingly delivered Mr.

traumatized by the massacre, saying "I am confident that my features must have feelingly expressed how sincerely I was affected at the barbarous scene I then witnessed;.

death: He was particularly popular among fellow-cricketers, who spoke feelingly of their respect and sorrow when he died.

After the ceremony, the couple held a banquet, at which Emperor Wilhelm feelingly assured the pair of "his protection and friendly care".

more, beautiful women, however, were carried off, whose dreadful fate is feelingly deplored by their contemporaries.

In cricket he came directly under my control, and I can write feelingly of his splendid qualities and untimely end.

soliloquy—except in Percy's poems—rather, "nearly every speech is directed feelingly toward another character and is typically concerned with describing another's.

that humanity's survival depends on all of our willingness to comprehend feelingly the way nature works.

Archimedes from his buried tomb Upon the plain of vanished Syracuse, And feelingly the Sage shall make report How insecure, how baseless in itself, Is the.

myself proof against the fascinating witchcraft; but I am afraid you will 'feelingly convince me what I am.

her second visit to Rank, she reflects on her desire to be "re-born," feelingly, as a woman and artist.

toilsome, nay how dire it was, by Thee Is known,—by none, perhaps, so feelingly; But Thou, who, starting in thy fervent prime, Didst first lead forth.

of consolation' to a dying soul, Lyte added, 'O brethren, I can speak feelingly, experimentally on this latter point; and I stand up here among you seasonably.

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