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ferreted Meaning in Bengali


সুতী ফিতা, সরু রেশমি,


নকুলের সাহায্যে শিকার করা,

ferreted's Usage Examples:

province of Jiangsu alone, more than 130,000 "May Sixteenth elements" were "ferreted out" and more than 6000 either died or suffered permanent injuries.

al-Qudah or 'Aqda al-Qudah as he was also called), and researcher who has ferreted out facts and established them (muhaqqiq).

went on to become Connecticut's first Public Works Commissioner, where he ferreted out corruption in the state Highway Department and successfully supervised.

scores of secrets to be ferreted out".

complaint," was arrested in hospital by one of six military units that ferreted through Damascus, systematically capturing key government buildings.

almost as if they were a species of life whose whole DNA could be gradually ferreted out.

APL members ferreted out disloyalty whenever and wherever they could find it.

verification means building software in such a way that faults can be ferreted out readily by the software engineers writing the software, as well as.

subsequent January 1943 "Aktion" in the Konskie Ghetto, the remaining Jews were ferreted out from attics and other hiding places and murdered.

part of it helping to run the infamously brutal Phoenix Program, which ferreted out and killed Viet Cong village leaders.

to meet up with him after a mission, but White Snake, who has already ferreted out several traitors, has her forces ambush Hatsume.

if drugs and contraband are to be ferreted out and sanitary surroundings are to be maintained," and because "society.

himself away, and accordingly gave it out that he had drowned himself, was ferreted out of his hole by the reward advertised for whoever should discover him.

Biography of His Early Years, of which a reviewer stated: "Billings has ferreted out much useful information concerning Shiel, whose personal life has not.

Navy's West Indies Squadron crushed the pirates who were relentlessly ferreted out from the uncharted bays and lagoons throughout the Caribbean by U.

subject was that counter-revolutionary subversive wrecking need to be ferreted out and violently repressed.

the original novel that the Swedish film omitted, "Reeves hasn't really ferreted out anything new; on the contrary, there is actually less plot in Let Me.

Working in conjunction with Navy spotter aircraft, they ferreted out enemy cargo barges and sank them with gunfire.

sniper nests, working in close conjunction with shore spotting teams who ferreted out the hidden enemy.


polecat; foumart; foulmart; Mustela putorius; fitch;


malfunction; arrive; ebb; stand still; inactivity;

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