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fingerprints Meaning in Bengali


হস্তাঙ্গুলির রেখাসমূহের ছাপ, অঙ্গুলাঙ্ক,

fingerprints's Usage Examples:

of partial fingerprints from a crime scene is an important method of forensic science.

Moisture and grease on a finger result in fingerprints on surfaces.

Since fingerprints are shorter than the keys.

to the nearest EU consulate to give their biometric information (10 fingerprints and a facial image), which is then entered into the system and remains.

Examiners can also look for fingerprints on the weapon and cartridges.

EAC is typically used to protect fingerprints and iris scans.

electronic image storage, and electronic exchange of fingerprints and responses.

IAFIS houses the fingerprints and criminal histories of 70 million subjects.

In MacBooks, each user account can have up to three fingerprints, and a total of five fingerprints across the system.

digital fingerprints and holder's digital image.

For children under the age of 12 years it is not obligatory to submit digital fingerprints.

Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money.

These "fingerprints" can be compared to the previously collected "fingerprints" of atoms and molecules, and are thus used.

purposes of identification may involve DNA matching, facial recognition, fingerprints, retina and iris scanning, voice analysis, handwriting, gait, and even.

order to avoid leaving fingerprints, which can be used as evidence against them.

When thin gloves are used, however, fingerprints may actually pass through.


biometric authentication; print; mark; loop; identity verification; thumbprint; biometric identification;


detach; untie; uncoil; unwind; open circuit;

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