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fishlike Meaning in Bengali

fishlike's Usage Examples:

The earliest elpistostegalians, combining fishlike and tetrapod-like characters, are sometimes called fishapods, a phrase.

which were originally half-birdlike, but came to be pictured as half-fishlike in the Christian era.

vase-painters showed the draped torso of Nereus issuing from a long coiling scaly fishlike tail.

generic term applicable to Nereus, who was also frequently depicted as half-fishlike.

Navy to be named for a whale, an extremely large, aquatic mammal that is fishlike in form.

that it combines a flat, heavily armoured stegocephalian skull with a fishlike tail bearing fin rays.

dermal ornamentation covers about 80% of the cleithrum of Umzantsia; this fishlike characteristic contrasts with the un-ornamented cleithra of most other.

slits of fish, but directly represented an adult "fishlike" developmental stage, signifying a fishlike ancestor.

Aquaman, who exists on Earth-Three Seaking (Pokémon), an orange and white, fishlike, water-type Pokémon Sea King (One Piece), a "One Piece" animal Poseidon.

Commissioner of Fisheries for the fiscal year 1928-Checklist of the fishes and fishlike vertebrates of North America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela.

Cephalochordates like Branchiostoma (the lancelet, a small fishlike animal with very little cephalization), are closely related to vertebrates.

reptiliomorphs were already established 20 million years later when all their fishlike relatives were extinct, it appears they separated from the other tetrapods.

ribs and the animal possessed a stronger skeletal structure, a largely fishlike spine, and forelimbs apparently powerful enough to pull the body from the.

originally designed for use aboard aircraft – housed in a non-magnetic, fishlike container, making it the first marine magnetometer.

Aquaman fought a woman in a green fishlike costume who called herself the Undine.

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