<< flavonoid flavor >>

flavonoids Meaning in Bengali

একটি রাসায়নিক গঠন থাকার উদ্ভিদ রঙ্গক বৃহৎ বর্গ কোনো ভিত্তিক বা flavone অনুরূপ



flavonoids শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"Flavonoid compounds in the flowers of Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sweet" (PDF) ।

flavonoids's Usage Examples:

Flavonoids (or bioflavonoids; from the Latin word flavus, meaning yellow, their color in nature) are a class of polyphenolic secondary metabolites found.

phenols can be broadly separated into two categories, flavonoids and non-flavonoids.

The O-methylated flavonoids or methoxyflavonoids are flavonoids with methylations on hydroxyl groups (methoxy bonds).

Flavonols are a class of flavonoids that have the 3-hydroxyflavone backbone (IUPAC name : 3-hydroxy-2-phenylchromen-4-one).

Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids (especially flavan-3-ols), a subset of polyphenols.

The amount of flavonoids depends on the amount of processing.

known as dihydroquercetin, belongs to the subclass flavanonols in the flavonoids, which in turn is a class of polyphenols.

Prenylated flavonoids or prenylflavonoids are a sub-class of flavonoids.

Quercetin is one of the most abundant dietary flavonoids, with an average daily consumption of 25–50 milligrams.

of the same functions as these other members of the flavonol class of flavonoids.

Polyphenols in tea include catechins, theaflavins, tannins, and flavonoids.

Flavones (from Latin flavus "yellow") are a class of flavonoids based on the backbone of 2-phenylchromen-4-one (2-phenyl-1-benzopyran-4-one) (as shown.

"a") are not to be confused with flavonols (with an "o"), a class of flavonoids containing a ketone group.

The pyranoflavonoids are a type of flavonoids possessing a pyran group.

products including lignols (precursors to lignin and lignocellulose), flavonoids, isoflavonoids, coumarins, aurones, stilbenes, catechin, and phenylpropanoids.

The flavanones, a type of flavonoids, are various aromatic, colorless ketones derived from flavone that often occur in plants as glycosides.

Polyphenols include flavonoids, tannic acid, and ellagitannin, some of which have been used historically.

"No evidence for the in vivo activity of aromatase-inhibiting flavonoids".

flavonoids's Meaning':

any of a large class of plant pigments having a chemical structure based on or similar to flavone


phytochemical; pigment;



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