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flayed Meaning in Bengali

 ছাল ছাড়ান, চর্মশূন্য করা, চামড়া ছাড়ান, খাল তোলা, চামড়া তোলা, চর্ম উন্মোচন করা,


চর্ম উন্মোচন করা, চামড়া তোলা, খাল তোলা, চামড়া ছাড়ান, চর্মশূন্য করা, ছাল ছাড়ান,

flayed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

উৎসাহ দেওয়া পিঠ চুলকানো প্রশংসা করা পিঠ বাঁচানো শাস্তি এড়ানো পিঠের চামড়া তোলা/ছাল ছাড়ানো বেদম প্রহার পিণ্ডি চটকানো/চড়ানো মৃত্যু কামনা করা পিতলের ।

flayed's Usage Examples:

[citation needed] A dead animal may be flayed when preparing it to be used as human food, or for its hide or fur.

legends he was skinned alive and beheaded so is often depicted holding his flayed skin or the curved flensing knife with which he was skinned; thus he is.

The museum's most astonishing items are the famous "écorchés" (flayed figures) prepared by Honoré Fragonard, the school's first professor of anatomy.

The fillets are not flayed, and the grayish skin side is placed faced down.

Mictēcacihuātl was represented with a flayed body and with jaw agape to swallow the stars during the day.

Sisamnes had been one of the royal judges, and Cambyses had cut his throat and flayed off all his skin because he had been bribed to give an unjust judgment.

As a result, the king had him arrested and flayed alive.

fashion to Komast Group skyphoi, but with very fine thin walls and slightly flayed lips.

Gigantomachy, the cosmic battle of the Giants with the Olympian gods, he was flayed by Athena who used his skin as a shield.

backmasked reading from Rudyard Kipling's Gunga Din: "Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you, By the livin' God that made you, You're a better man than I am, Gunga.

the first victim of the ensuing Moriori Genocide, a 12-year-old girl, was flayed alive here and displayed on a post[citation needed], followed by hundreds.

Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa claims he and second-in command Hango were flayed and their skins used as drums.

According to legend, his body was flayed by the Scots as he had flayed Scottish war prisoners, and William Wallace made a sword.

popular in Pallava and Chola art, which portray him dancing vigorously in the flayed elephant hide of Gajasura.

the group resemble those by the Antimenes Painter, feature more widely flayed lips and shallower broader shoulders.


pare; peel; skin;


increase; dress;

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