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flightpath Meaning in Bengali

flightpath's Usage Examples:

its roll axis while keeping the aircraft flying a straight and level flightpath.

relative forward motion, with the nose ending up pointed along the original flightpath.

IR sensor records a horizon-to-horizon image based on the aircraft's flightpath.

This section needs expansion with: background of radar coverage of TWA 800's flightpath.

intermediate type of rotorcraft, its rotor operating parallel to the flightpath to minimize axial flow with one or more propellers providing propulsion.

built since most of the buildings were located directly underneath the flightpath for planes landing there.

state that the airfield was wrongly sited because it was directly on the flightpath from Wellesbourne and also the whole airfield was on hill, the main runway.

that could pose a hazard to the flight, either by straying into their flightpath or threatening any kind of secrecy associated with that particular project.

Noise pollution, was expected to be a problem, though, as the natural flightpath between the airports lay above densely populated residential areas.

'PIA's flightpath out of turbulent times', 31/05/2014, "(https://www.


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