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floggings Meaning in Bengali


তাড়ন, ঠেঙ্গানি, মারধর, চাবকানি, মার,

floggings শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মারের চোটে কিশোর পরদিন ভোরে ।

ɻ j ɰ অন্যান্য পার্শ্বিক ɺ ɫ কম্পন ʙ r • ʀ • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত নৈকট্য ʍ w ɥ তাড়ন ѵ̟ ѵ ɾ ɽ • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত ঊষ্ম ɕ ʑ ɧ পাঃ ঊষ্ম ɬ ɮ • • • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত ঘৃষ্ট ।

এসব দেখে গ্রামের মানুষ কিশোরকে প্রচন্ড মারধর করে ।

তাড়ন বেগ হলো কোনো কণা যেমন ইলেক্ট্রনের সেই বেগ যা সে তড়িৎ ক্ষেত্রের কারণে লাভ করে ।

তাড়ন বেগকে নিম্নোক্তভাবে প্রকাশ করা হয় : J = ρ v a v g {\displaystyle ।

(condensed matter physics) ও তড়িৎ রসায়নের (electrochemistry) ভাষায়, তাড়ন তড়িৎ হলো তড়িৎ ক্ষেত্র প্রয়োগের ফলে চার্জ বাহকের মধ্য দিয়ে চলমান তড়িৎ ।

তুলে নেয় আর মূর্ছা যাওয়া অনন্তর মার আবরণ সরে যাওয়া বুকে মুখ ঘষতে থাকে ।

floggings's Usage Examples:

The Religious Police are responsible for carrying out floggings.

of The Montgomery Advertiser, for his editorials against gangsterism, floggings and racial and religious intolerance.

Punishments may include jail time, floggings, death, fines, and deportation.

the harsh measures that he took as headmaster, including large-scale floggings with the birch, resulting in mass rebellions by the boys.

He often absconded and received an extended sentence as well as floggings and other punishments, and was finally sent to the dreaded Port Arthur.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, European armies administered floggings to common soldiers who committed breaches of the military code.

Under George Hampton, convict discipline became extremely harsh; floggings became commonplace and solitary confinement was reintroduced.

He records dreadful floggings of convicts for comparatively trifling offences without indignation, and.

June – Thomas Judkin-Fitzgerald, High Sheriff of Tipperary, initiates floggings of those in Carrick-on-Suir thought to support the United Irishmen.

the Crenshaw County grand jury on the basis of their participation of floggings throughout the county.

journalist unions and political parties were "made an example of" with public floggings.

Their tactics, (which included "harassment, floggings, and sometimes murder") "produced a reign of terror among the state's.

governor of Fez] was to be found; and thus fresh privations and more floggings ensued, but all to no avail.

Hall, Editorial Writing, for "his editorials against gangsterism, floggings and racial and religious intolerance.

torture by ISIL militants, including beheadings, amputations, public floggings, the stoning of women and murder of homosexuals.

for the most recent postponement is unknown, but the previous scheduled floggings were delayed due to Badawi's poor health.

subject to extreme fitness training and physical punishments, including floggings.

2011, at least 21 people (mostly foreign nationals) were sentenced to floggings of between 30 and 100 lashes for offences related to “illicit sexual relations”.


whipping; beating; lashing; trouncing; horsewhipping; whacking; thrashing; tanning; lacing; licking; drubbing; self-flagellation; flagellation;


small; little; success; beginning; victory;

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