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fontanel Meaning in Bengali

fontanel's Usage Examples:

A fontanelle (or fontanel) (colloquially, soft spot) is an anatomical feature of the infant human skull comprising any of the soft membranous gaps (sutures).

The anterior fontanelle (bregmatic fontanelle, frontal fontanelle) is the largest fontanelle, and is placed at the junction of the sagittal suture, coronal.

which is enclosed by a membrane and designated as a fontanel.

The greater, or anterior fontanel, is a lozenge-shaped space that is situated at the junction.

characterized by sagging, wrinkled skin, low skin elasticity, and delayed fontanel (soft spot) closure along with a range of other symptoms.

Ancient Nahuatl people believed that it was located in the hair and the fontanel area of one's skull, and that the tonalli provided the “vigor and energy.

gland, physical features may include a larger anterior fontanel, persistence of a posterior fontanel, an umbilical hernia, and a large tongue (macroglossia).

The swelling may obscure the fontanel and cross cranial suture lines, (distinguishing it from cephalohematoma).


opening; sphenoid fontanel; sphenoid fontanelle; soft spot; anterior fontanelle; fontanelle; sphenoidal fontanel; porta; braincase; sphenoidal fontanelle; orifice; brainpan; cranium; child"s body;


closing; finish; natural object; good part; strength;

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