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foramen magnum Meaning in Bengali




foramen magnum শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এর খুলি থেকে বুঝা যায়, মুখমন্ডল চ্যাপ্টা, প্রাক মানবদের ন্যায় মহাবিবর (ফরম্যান ম্যাগনাম) এবং ভুরুর হাড় বেশ দৃঢ় ।

foramen magnum's Usage Examples:

The foramen magnum (Latin: great hole) is a large oval opening (foramen) in the occipital bone of the skull in humans and many other animals.

front of the foramen magnum and directed towards the pharynx.

The squamous part is the curved, expanded plate behind the foramen magnum and is the largest.

occipital bone (also basioccipital) extends forward and upward from the foramen magnum, and presents in front an area more or less quadrilateral in outline.

posterior cranial fossa is part of the cranial cavity, located between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli.

posterior C1 ring to enter the foramen magnum.

The anteriomedial wall of the condylar canal thickens to join the foramen magnum rim and connect to the occipital.

The squamous part of occipital bone, is situated above and behind the foramen magnum, and is curved from above downward and from side to side.

and is named the internal occipital crest; it bifurcates near the foramen magnum and gives attachment to the falx cerebelli; in the attached margin of.

anterior to the foramen magnum.

triangle along with the vertebral artery, where the artery enters the foramen magnum.

beginning at the external occipital protuberance and descending to the foramen magnum, that gives attachment to the nuchal ligament.

The artery or its branches enter the cranium through jugular foramen, foramen magnum or hypoglossal canal.

It commences around the margin of the foramen magnum by several small venous channels, one of which joins the terminal part.

an upper cervical cord compression from lesions that are above the foramen magnum.

bone (also called the exoccipitals) are situated at the sides of the foramen magnum; on their under surfaces are the condyles for articulation with the.

to this portion of the cerebellum to slip or be pushed through the foramen magnum of the skull resulting in tonsillar herniation.

crest Posterior cranial fossa (fossa cranii posterior), between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli, containing the brainstem and cerebellum Animation.

meningeal branch that supplies sensation to parts of the dura around the foramen magnum (via dorsal rami).

(posterior meningeal branch) springs from the vertebral opposite the foramen magnum, ramifies between the bone and dura mater in the cerebellar fossa, and.

posterior extremities extend back to the level of the middle of the foramen magnum.

called the median nuchal line, often faintly marked, descends to the foramen magnum, and affords attachment to the nuchal ligament.


hiatus; brainpan; cranium; foramen; braincase;


close; natural object; finish; closing;

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