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formatting Meaning in Bengali



formatting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বৈসাদৃশ্যের ভিত্তিতে পৃথক দলে স্থাপনের নীতিমালায় পৃথিবীর সমস্ত জীবকে ধাপে ধাপে বিন্যাস করার পদ্বতিকে শ্রেণিবিন্যাস বলে ।

আইএসএসএন এর বিন্যাস একটি আট অঙ্কের কোড, একটি হাইফেন দ্বারা বিভক্ত দুই চার সংখ্যার মধ্যে ।

formatting's Usage Examples:

100 commands to assist in formatting documents, though 8 to 10 of these commands were sufficient to complete most formatting jobs.

LaTeX uses the TeX typesetting program for formatting its output, and is itself written in the TeX macro language.

Explicit formatting characters, also referred to as "directional formatting characters", are special Unicode sequences.

Disk formatting is the process of preparing a data storage device such as a hard disk drive, solid-state drive, floppy disk or USB flash drive for initial.

style guide or manual of style is a set of standards for the writing, formatting and design of documents.

load speed between the pages that share the file and its formatting.

Separation of formatting and content also makes it feasible to present the same markup.

coverage, it is not clear how compatible formatting is between countries.

(See Estonian Braille for formatting in an orthography with similar punctuation.

characters "Zones spéciales et caractères de formatage" [Special areas and formatting characters] (PDF).


info; format; data formatting; initialization; high-level formatting; information; initialisation; data format; low-level formatting;


stay; unite;

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