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forswearing Meaning in Bengali

forswearing's Usage Examples:

– Also termed false swearing; false oath; (archaically forswearing.

Somerset (who had surrendered and sworn allegiance with Percy) and Percy, forswearing their oaths, attacked Montague with 5,000 men.

beauty of Love!" Palmer's views influenced Henry Thoreau as well; his forswearing of social institutions which he found unpalatable is a clear antecedent.

his use of equivocation, which Coke called "open and broad lying and forswearing", and condemned for not warning the authorities of what Catesby planned.

being an unexpectedly good, adorable boy and friend; by accepting and forswearing you in seconds; by loving you madly, by cursing you while blessing you;.

return to the United States she settled in Wilmington, North Carolina, forswearing nearly all ties with her family.

1422 but, after forswearing such practices and being arraigned by the Bishop of Llandaff (then John.

recovered his freedom after making various territorial concessions and by forswearing his support for Ordoño IV.

release the defendants if they agreed to certain conditions that included forswearing underground activity and submitting to police supervision, but they rejected.

above named persons, who infused with the spirit of impudent lying and forswearing, and therein maintain her and her wicked father.

It was hard for me to really feel it, being that of a white man, forswearing his race, makes outlaw Mexicans his comrades and allows white women to.

theory "turns its back on the Western tradition of rational inquiry, forswearing analysis for narrative", and that "by repudiating reasoned argumentation.

she saw as containing her ideas of the importance of childbearing and forswearing any form of birth control.

After signing a contract pledging mutual loyalty and forswearing women and drink, the two set off on an epic overland journey north beyond.

Danby's proposed legislation to reinforce the Test Act with a new oath forswearing any attempt to "modify" the Church and State.

Other specific recollections have Blakey forswearing serious drink while playing (after being disciplined by drummer Sid Catlett.

is similarly self-conscious and possibly parodic, the stoic Pandulpho forswearing "apish action, player-like" (1.

St Peter ad Vincula, where he publicly took the Catholic communion, forswearing his hitherto Protestant faith, in what was a great propaganda coup for.

so that, as he loves his life and all that he has, he shall be there forswearing his oath.


self-renunciation; rejection; denial; abnegation; forsaking; self-denial; forgoing; self-abnegation; giving up; renunciation;


prosecution; affirmative; indiscipline; acceptance;

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