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foully Meaning in Bengali

 ঘৃণিতভাবে, হীন, ঘৃণ্যভাবে, অন্যায়,



foully শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অন্যায় সহকারে কোনো মানুষের সাথে হীন আচরণ করবে না ।

তুমি নীচ, তুমি হীন, তুমি জঘন্য’ ।

(১৭৯২), যেখানে তিনি যুক্তি দেখিয়েছেন যে নারী প্রাকৃতিকভাবেই পুরুষ অপেক্ষা হীন, এমনটি নয় ।

কালু রিংপোচের মতে ‘হীন’ বা ‘মহৎ’ শব্দদুটির দ্বারা “আর্থিক বা সামাজিক পরিস্থিতি বোঝায় না ।

সেই কারণেই তারা ওই সব অঞ্চলের অধিবাসীদের সম্পর্কে হীন ধারণা পোষণ করতেন ।

বলা হয়ে থাকে বেসুরো সঙ্গীত তবুও শ্রবনযোগ্য, তবে তাল-হীন গান সহ্য করা সম্ভব নয় ।

টুর্নামেন্ট থেকে বেরিয়ে গিয়েছিল শ্রীলঙ্কার সাথে আগের বছরের বিতর্কিত সিরিজের হীন ক্রিকেট সম্পর্কের কারণে ।

মানসিক রূপে উচ্চ-নিম্নবর্গের নির্মাণ এরং উভয় পক্ষে এক অপরের প্রতি জাতি নিয়ে হীন ভাবনার সংঘর্ষ করাতে রইল ।

foully's Usage Examples:

Tolegen is foully murdered by Bekejan (the batyr, or nobleman, of the rival family), who earlier.

was buried at Drumcree Church where his headstone records that he was 'foully murdered in Belfast'.

our city and our lands! I will offer him in sacrifice to the shades of my foully murdered countrymen.

Tacitus records some believed that although Capito was "foully stained with avarice and profligacy", he was otherwise loyal to Galba and.

may, by the wildest folly and extravagance, as Sir Thomas Browne says, 'foully miscarry in the advantage of humanity, play away an uniterable life, and.

Mangas Coloradas and his people duly arrived and were "foully murdered after he surrendered".

world-powers and awe-inspiring were as long as they lived, and their own desires foully followed.

They concluded that "whoever thinks that the negro is not foully abused will find Professor Kerlin's book wholesome, though unpleasant, reading.

little folk, to enslave them the more easily, to butcher them the more foully.

whosoever repeats one of them after this denial, will lie as wilfully and as foully as it is possible for any false witness to lie, before heaven and earth.

1824, stated that Field "had embraced every opportunity of falsely and foully slandering me and my government".

we left Fronteras, a little girl of ten years was found in the chaparral foully violated and murdered.

the throne, but muses in a soliloquy that "I fear / Thou play'dst most foully for 't".

Anima Comerchie De Laugh", translating as "Pray for the soul of De Laugh foully murdered.

has most foully worked on the diseased fancy of Englishmen .

negative press reaction, including Life's comment that Welles's film "doth foully slaughter Shakespeare.

sending money to support his brother's abandoned mistress, who abuses him foully, and her child, who she claims is his brother's bastard.

illegitimate, a nation out of the pale of the laws, nature herself should be foully corrupted by perverse habits.



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