foveola Meaning in Bengali
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foveola's Usage Examples:
area called the suprameatal triangle, suprameatal pit, mastoid fossa, foveola suprameatica, or Mc Ewan's triangle, through which an instrument may be.
The foveola is located within a region called the macula, a yellowish, cone photoreceptor filled portion of the human retina.
The foveola is approximately.
22 in) and is subdivided into the umbo, foveola, foveal avascular zone, fovea, parafovea, and perifovea areas.
The anatomical snuff box or snuffbox or foveola radialis is a triangular deepening on the radial, dorsal aspect of the hand—at the level of the carpal.
ocularis which is the sloping inner wall of the retina as it dips into the foveola in the macula of the eye.
5 deg of VF) Approximately equal to the foveola Anatomical foveola (clinical: fovea) Diameter = 0.
cupricollis (Kerremans, 1899) Eudiana dentipennis (Laporte ' Gory, 1837) Eudiana foveola (Obenberger, 1932) Eudiana gebhardti (Obenberger, 1924) Eudiana gounellei.
These squid have a funnel groove with foveola, a hectocotylised fourth arm and tentacular stalks which lack free trabeculae.
ferruginea Marsham, 1802 Corticaria formicaephila Broun, 1893 Corticaria foveola (Beck, 1817) Corticaria franzi Dajoz, Corticaria fulva (Comolli, 1837).
this as the clinical fovea, and say that it corresponds to the anatomical foveola, a structure with a diameter of 0.
branched tubular glands that emerge on the deeper part of the gastric foveola, inside the gastric areas and outlined by the folds of the mucosa.
animal was a juvenile Umbo (eye), tiny depression in the center of the foveola corresponding to foveal reflex Umbo of tympanic membrane, the central,.
Eurytemora clausii (Hoek, 1876) Eurytemora composita Keiser, 1929 Eurytemora foveola Johnson M.
flavipes Mimela flavocincta Mimela flavomarginata Mimela flavoviridis Mimela foveola Mimela fruhstorferi Mimela fukiensis Mimela fulgidivittata Mimela furvipes.
1834 Omalodes felix Lewis, 1900 Omalodes fortunatus Lewis, 1898 Omalodes foveola Erichson, 1834 Omalodes gagatinus Erichson, 1847 Omalodes grossus Marseul.
thereby an SCE-like drop in the intensity of light guided through the foveola.