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fraternise Meaning in Bengali

fraternise's Usage Examples:

acknowledged power broker with "enormous influence known to bribe and fraternise with other powerful figures in the region, including the Kosovo Liberation.

République française, to seize cannons stored on the Butte Montmartre fraternise with civilians and the National Guard, and two army generals are killed:.

Aboriginal boy's gaol sentence, the bond condition forbade the boy to fraternise with Mackerras.

as a medium for scholars to discuss relevant engineering issues and to fraternise.

left Palestine and went to England (British police were not allowed to fraternise with Jews or Arabs in Palestine).

Man's Land and exchange photos of their loved ones while other soldiers fraternise and play football.

ticket), where guests eat from a restricted or set menu and are expected to fraternise with other guests whom they may not know.

Mallo deems him "well enough" to fraternise with other inmates, and Maddstone begins to talk to Babe, a fellow Englishman.

This type of publication, he argued, would enable British Economists to ‘fraternise’ with the likes of the American Economic Association.

They tell them that their kind are forbidden to fraternise with humans as it has done nothing but cause grief in the past.

time they were seen as cheap labour, not even allowed out of camp to fraternise locally, and dismissed as mere coolies.

pourquoi l'on est fier d'être Wallons ! II Entre Wallons, toujours on fraternise.

The battalion famously refused to play football or otherwise fraternise with the enemy on Christmas Day 1914.

République française, to seize cannons stored on the hill of Montmartre, fraternise with civilians and the National Guard, and two army generals are killed.

are looking forward to its return to port when they will be allowed to fraternise with local girls.

Ashenden: William's conservative uncle who initially forbids his nephew to fraternise with Ted and Rosie Driffield.

they were seen just as cheap labour, not even allowed out of camp to fraternise locally, dismissed as mere coolies.

BFC stayed in it merely for an easy time, the beer and the chance to fraternise with local women.

but could take off their skins and would appear human, allowing them to fraternise on land.


fraternize; socialize; socialise;

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